Experience:B.ExSc, M.ExPhys

Email:[email protected]

Mamey Issa

Exercise Physiologist | B.ExSc, M.ExPhys


How long have you been working for MVMT Rehab?

Two years

What experience are you bringing from other jobs?

I have worked in a number of settings in the past including clinical, gym based, corporate and workers compensation. This has meant that I have been able to use the experience gained from these settings to MVMT.

What is your passion as clinical AEP/in your role with MVMT?

The aspect of the job that provides me with the most joy is seeing where a client starts compared to their capacity at the end of the program. My passion lies in the individual programming for each client ensuring it is mimicking their activities of daily living and work.

What is your hobby / What do you like doing outside of work?

My hobbies include shopping and strength training.

Dog or Cat?
